User Management

on 1:14 PM

Create User :

SQL> Create user hameed identified by hameed default tablespace hyd temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on hyd;

Unlock the user account :

SQL> alter user hameed account unlock;

Force user to change the Password :

SQL> alter user hameed password expire;

Granting privileges to users :

SQL> grant create session, create table, create sequence to hameed;
SQL> conn hameed/hameed;
SQL> select * from session_privs;
SQL> select * from role_sys_privs;

Creating and assigning  the custom roles :

SQL> create role basicrole;
SQL> grant create session, create table, create sequence to basicrole;
SQL> grant basicrole to hameed;
SQL> select role,privilege from  role_sys_privs where role=’basicrole’;
SQL>select * from dba_roles_privs where granted_role=’basicrole’

Revoking the privileges from user :

SQL> revoke insert,update on from hameed;

Dropping the user Account :

SQL> drop user hameed;
SQL> drop user hameed cascade;


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