Macro Viruses

on 1:44 PM

There is particular type of file virus that that many people don't understand. These are the files from the Microsoft Office applications (e.g., MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, etc.). These programs all have their own macro languages (a BASIC like language) built in. The associated files (MS Word documents or templates and MS Excel spreadsheet files) are usually thought of only as data files so many people are surprised that they can be infected. But these files can contain programs (the macro language) that are executed when you load one of these files into the associated product. The program inside of these files is interpreted by the MS Office application. What is now a language originally began as a very simple macro language that the user could use to combine keystrokes to automate some routine function? The macro language in these products has since grown substantially and now is a fully capable language based on Visual Basic (VBA). Since anything that contains a program can potentially be infected by a virus, these files can harbor viruses.

A micro virus is particularly threatening for a number of reasons:

1. A micro virus is platform independent .virtually all of the macro viruses infect M-S Word documents. Any hardware platform and operating system that supports word can be infected.

2. Macro V infects documents not executable portion of code. Most of the information in the computer is stored in the form of document not program.

3. Macro virus is easily spread. A very common method is by electronic mail.


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