Recovery-Tips on Getting Rid of Virus Infections

on 1:46 PM

Removing Boot Sector Virus:-

Remember that a boot sector virus attaches itself to instructions in the disk sector, which are loaded in to memory immediately when the system is powered on.

To remove this type of virus you must reverse the infection process, the virus out and reinstalling the original boot sector coding. To do this we must follow the following command:

1. Use the DOS utility called the SYS command as follows

Type the command SYS C: at the A> prompt. If the transfer has been completed smoothly, you get the response

System transferred

2. The SYS command may not always remove the boot sector virus, so you may need to use a program that is designed for this task. one such program is called MDISK and can be downloaded from the computer virus industry Association bulletin board.

3. Third and last option is that to try to back up all your data files before carrying out the next step- reformatting hard disk.


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